26 May, 2018

B.Ed. Students (2nd & 4th Semester, Session: 2017-19 & 2016-18)

1. All the B.Ed. Students (2nd & 4th Semester, Session: 2017-19 & 2016-18) who’ve not yet submitted their practicum file (s), are requested to submit immediately. All the Practicum Co-ordinator (s) are facing the problem in submission of the marks timely.
2.     The B.Ed. Students of 4th Semester who’ve not yet submitted their full course fee will not be able to appear in the Practicum (Viva) B.Ed. Examination, 2018 which is scheduled to be held on 8th & 9th of June, 2018.
3.     The B.Ed. Students of 2nd Semester who’ve not yet submitted 60% of total course fee will not be able to appear in the Practicum (Viva) B.Ed. Examination, 2018 which is scheduled to be held on 5th & 6th of June, 2018.

    (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                             Department of Education

25 May, 2018

Evaluation of Practicum (Viva) 2nd Semester &4th Semester

1.     Evaluation of Practicum (Viva) of Course-III, VII-A,VIII-A, IX, EPC-2 B.Ed. Examination, 2018 of B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2017-19)  is scheduled to be held on 5th & 6th of June,2018. All the students are advised to appear in the above said examination positively on above said date (s). Practicum viva will be conducted serially (exception in the case of medical problems/ or other relevant reasons).

2.  Evaluation of Practicum (Viva) of Course-VI, VIII-B,X,XI (Optional), EPC-3, EPC-4 B.Ed. Examination, 2018 of  B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2016-18) is scheduled to be held on 8th & 9th of June, 2018. All the students are advised to appear in the above said examination positively on above said date (s).


   (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                             Department of Education

12 May, 2018

Holiday for Panchayat Election

The Institute will remain closed  on account of Panchayat Election  which is scheduled to be held on  14.05.2018 (Monday). The institute will re-open on 15.05. 2018 with the normal schedule & timings.
                                                                                (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                             Department of Education

11 May, 2018

B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2016-18 & 2nd Semester, Session: 2017-19)

1. All the B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2016-18 & 2nd Semester, Session: 2017-19) are requested to submit all Internal Assignments (Internal Assessment) in the institute till 31st May, 2018. In addition to this all the B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2016-18 & 2nd Semester, Session: 2017-19) are requested to submit their practicum file(s) within scheduled period positively. The Date(s) of Evaluation of Practicum (Viva) B.Ed. Examination-2018 will be communicated by the office very soon. So kindly ensure the submission of all aforesaid file(s) timely to appear in aforesaid examination.

2.     All the B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2017-19) who’ve not yet deposited their tuition fee (60% of total course fee) are requested to deposit their tuition fee immediately within 21.05.2018.

3.      All the B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2016-18) who’ve not yet deposited their total course fee are again requested to deposit full course fee immediately within 19.05.2018.

4. All the D.El.Ed. Students (1st Year,  Session: 2017-19) who’ve not yet deposited their tuition fee (60% of total course fee) are requested to deposit their tuition fee immediately within 21.05.2018.

     (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                             Department of Education

04 May, 2018

Inauguration of Exhibition

Inauguration of Exhibition is scheduled to be held on 10.05.2018. All the B.Ed. & D.El.Ed. Students are requested to remain present & participate actively. 

                                                                                                          (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                                   Department of Education

01 May, 2018

Regarding Holiday

It is notified for the information of all B.Ed. & D.El.Ed. Students (All concerned) of this institute that 02.05.2018 is declared holiday in addition to 01.05.2018   pursuant to the notification bearing No.RE/1/2/2017-18/2205 dated: 27/04/18 issued by the Burdwan University.  So our institute will now re-open on 03.05. 2018 with the normal schedule & timings.

                                                                                                          (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                    Department of Education