28 November, 2017

Tuition/ Admission Fees

1.This is to notify all the B.Ed. Students, 3rd & 1st Semester, Session 2016-18 & 2017-19 of this institute that, Last date to deposit Tuition fess/ Admission fees without late fine has been extended to 05/12/2017 (as per meeting held in this context). After this fees will be collected with late fine. No further notice will be given by the office in this context.  

                                                                                             (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                          Department of Education  

3rd Semester,Admit Card;Two Reports of Community Based Activities/ Projects

1.B.Ed. Students of 3rd Semester, Session: 2016-18 are requested to submit Xerox copy of the admit card (1st & 2nd Semester) in addition to registration certificates (B.U./ or new) in the office immediately till 03.12.2017 as per direction by the University of Burdwan to get their Grade Card of 1st Semester.

2. All the B.Ed. Students of 3rd Semester, Session: 2016-18 are requested to Submit their Two Reports of  Community Based Activities/ Projects within 5.12.2017 in order to appear in Practicum Viva B.Ed.Examination-2017. 

                 (Dr. Gopal Singh) 
                                                                               Department of Education

Note: 1.Students who’ve not submitted yet their registration (new) & admit card have last chance to submit within scheduled period.
2.Cover Pages  for Community Based Activities/ Projects will be given within 30.11.2017.

23 November, 2017

Grade Card

All the B.Ed. Students of 4th Semester, Session: 2015-17 of this institute can collect their Grade-Card of 4th Semester from the institute in office hours from 27.11.2017 onward instead of 24.11.2017 (as per Information from the B.U. Collected by  Rattan Krishna Sarkar on 23.11.2017).

                                                                                             (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                          Department of Education

21 November, 2017

Grade-Card of 4th Semester

All the B.Ed. Students of 4th Semester, Session: 2015-17 of this institute can collect their Grade-Card of 4th Semester from the institute in office hours from 24.11.2017 onwards. All Students are requested to ensure about their dues (if any) from Mr. Kajal Sarkar, Office Assistant, before collection of their Grade-Card of 4th Semester.

                                                                                             (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                          Department of Education

Orientation on Pedagogical Analysis (M-1 &M-II)

1. Orientation regarding Practicum of Course-VII-(B) (1.3.7B) i.e. Pedagogical Analysis (M-1 &M-II) is scheduled to be held for B.Ed. students (3rd Semester, 2016-18)  as per schedule given below i.e.
Date (s)
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Language Teaching (Bengali)
Prof. Sudhamay Layek & Prof. Chandan Das
23.11.17 & 24.11.17
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Language Teaching (Sanskrit & Hindi)
Dr.Ravita Pathak
24.11.17& 25.11.17
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Social Science Teaching (History, Pol. Science)
Prof. Saswati Pal Choudhuri
22.11.17& 23.11.17
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Social Science Teaching (Geography)
Prof. Chayan Jana
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Social Science Teaching (Education)
Prof. Pranati Maji
22.11.17& 23.11.17
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Science Teaching (Physical & Life Science)
Prof.Souma Das
22.11.17& 23.11.17
Course-VII-(B):Pedagogy of Mathematics Teaching
Prof. Moumita Kundu
22.11.17& 23.11.17
2. All the B.Ed. Students (3rd Semester & 1st Semester) of this institute can deposit their tuition fees/admission fees without Late Fine till 27.11.2017 (due to link failure in SBI Bank). After this date 27.11.2017 fees will be collected with Late Fine as per previous notice given in this context.

                                                                                             (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                                          Department of Education

15 November, 2017

B.Ed. 1st Semester

All the B.Ed. students (1st Semester, 2017-19) of this institute are requested to submit their Practicum Files in Course-I (1.1.1); Course-II (1.1.2); Course-IV (1.1.4); Course-V (1.1.5); & Course-EPC-1 (1.1EPC1) positively to concerned supervisors as per schedule given below. No further date for submission of practicum files will be given to anyone.
Name of the Course
Date(s) of Submission
Course-I (1.1.1)
Course-EPC-1 (1.1EPC1)
Course-II (1.1.2)
Course-IV (1.1.4)
Course-V (1.1.5)
Note: Cover Pages will be given within Two days by HOD

                                                                                                              (Dr. Gopal Singh)

                                                                                          Department of Education