1. The Evaluation of Practicum in Course-III,
VII-A, VIII-A, IX & EPC-2 (2nd Semester) B.Ed. Examination-2017 is rescheduled
(which was earlier postponed for Group-B Students) to be held
on 24th August, 2017 at 11:00AM . All the B.Ed. Students of Group-B are advised to appear in the above said examination
positively on above said date only.
2. All the B.Ed. Students (3rd Semester, 1st Semester) who’re interested to take
admission in the Hindi Certificate/Diploma/Advance Diploma Course are requested
to contact Dr. Ravita Pathak immediately. The Last date to fill-up the enrollment
form is 23.08.17.
(Dr. Gopal Singh)
Department of Education