11 June, 2017

Examination Forms Fill-Up

  1. Examination Forms for B.Ed. Examination, 2017 (Session: 2016-2018, 2nd Semester) shall be filled up on & from 11th June, 2017 to 15th, June, 2017 at college office. All of you’ve to deposit Rs 300/- fee for aforesaid purpose and all are requested to fill up their examination forms within aforesaid specified time only.
  2. All the students have to clear their dues in terms of tuition fee (complete till 2nd semester) in the institute before their examination forms fill-up or before issue of admit card.
  3. Inauguration of Wall Magazine is re-scheduled to be held on 20th of June 2017 at 10.00 A.M.
      (Dr.Gopal Singh)
  Head,Department of Education