21 March, 2017

Important Notice

*The request of concession in tuition fee (total amount) by B.Ed Students (4th Semester) who’d applied earlier for the concession has been cancelled/terminated automatically as they haven’t deposited their due amount by 20.03.2017. Now they’ve to deposit full amount without any concession (as per decision taken by the college authority, as per student’s conformity also).*

**A visit to DEO/ DIET (Part of Practicum in Course-VIII B) in Suri, West Bengal for  B.Ed. Students,4th Semester, Session: 2015-17 is scheduled to be held on 27.03.2017.  All of you’re requested to get details from Prof. Saswati Pal Choudhury, Co-ordinator of the Programme/Activity.**

(Dr. Gopal Singh)
Head,Department of Education