26 July, 2019

Examination Forms Fill-Up; 2nd Semester, B.Ed.Examination-2019

  1. This is to notify all the B.Ed. students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20) that they’ve to fill-up the Examination Forms in the Institute on 27.07.2019 at 11:45 AM onwards positively. All are requested to deposit Rs.700/- (500+50+150=700/-) for Examination Fees & Other Allied Fees.
  2. All those B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20) who’ve not yet deposited their tuition fees/ not yet cleared their dues in term of tuition fee have to deposit/ clear their dues positively before examination form fill-up.
  1. All the B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20 & 4th Semester, Session: 2017-19 ) are requested to submit their Practicum Files & Internal Assignments to concerned co-ordinators positively.
  2. All the B.Ed. students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20) are hereby informed that their 2nd Semester, B.Ed.Examination-2019 will be conducted as per schedule given below:

Date (s)
10.00 AM to 1.00 P.M.
10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
10.00 AM to 1.00 P.M.

          (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                               Department of Education

12 July, 2019

External Evaluation P-01;Submission of Practicum Files

  1. This is to notify all the D.El.Ed. Students (Session: 2017-19) that the External Evaluation of “Pre-Internship Process Based Teaching-Learning Skill Enhancement Programme” of D.El.Ed. Part-1 is scheduled to be held on & from 19.07.2019 to 20.07.2019 at Tagore Institute of Art & Education.
  2. All the B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20) are requested to submit their Practicum Files within 18.07.2019 to concerned co-ordinators positively.
  3. All the B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2017-19) of this institute are requested to submit their Practicum Files & Internal Assignments till 18.07.2019 to concerned co-ordinators positively.

                                                                 (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                         Department of Education   

03 July, 2019

Ratha- Yatra Celebration, Tuition Fees,Submission of practicum’s & internal assignments

1.     It is notified for the information of all the B.Ed. & D.El.Ed. Students that the institute shall remain close on 04th   of July, 2019 for Ratha- Yatra Celebration and shall remain open on 05th of July 2019 with the normal schedule & timings.
2.     All the B.Ed. Students (2nd Semester, Session: 2018-20) are requested to ensure whether they’ve cleared their dues in term of tuition fees (60%) timely. All are requested to ensure it timely as very soon the examination form fill-up for 2nd semester will be announced. Only those students will be allowed to fill-up the examination forms who’ve cleared their dues in term of tuition fees.
3.     All the B.Ed. Students (4th Semester, Session: 2017-19) of this institute are requested to submit their practicum’s & internal assignments immediately after their last theory examination, 2019.

                                                                 (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                         Department of Education