17 July, 2017

Conduction of Practicum Viva Serially; Return Back Books

  1. Evaluation of Practicums, B.Ed. Examination-2017 (2nd semester, Session: 2016-18) will be conducted on 20.07.17 & 21.07.17.  serially (exception in the case of medical problems/ or other relevant reasons). All the students are advised to appear in the above said examination positively on above said date (s).
  2. All the B.Ed. students (2nd Semester, 2016-18) of this institute are requested to return back the books issued to them from the library on 18.07.17 at 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM positively.
  3. The Practicum Files may be returned back (not mandatory) to the students on 18.07.2017 (if required for Practicum Viva Preparation). All students (if needed) can collect their Practicum Files on aforesaid date/ either on 20.07.17& 21.07.17 only.

      (Dr. Gopal Singh)
                                                                       Department of Education